Red Hat Qi Gong Energy Work

With Catherine Middlebrooks

Release old patterns and step into your true nature.

Are you tired of feeling stuck?

Are you stuck in a pattern of inaction…struggling to move forward on the projects and ideas you care about?

Do you have the sense that life feels more difficult than it should?  

Do you keep repeating behaviors that hold you back from the life you desire?

Do you have a sense of exhaustion that won’t let up, regardless of the sleep you get?

Or chronic anxiety that you can’t get a handle on? 

Are you ready to let go of the past and move forward into the life you were destined to live?

If this sounds like you, you are in the right place.

How Red Hat Qi Gong Can Help

Clear Stagnant Energy & Patterns That Keep You Stuck

Create Balance And Flow

Reduce Anxiety & Enhance Well-Being

Red Hat Qi Gong is a 6000 year old gentle-touch, healing modality that originated in China.

The goal of Red Hat Qi Gong is to restore balance in the body, mind, and soul by releasing stagnant and stuck energy and improving the flow of Qi.

Energy (Qi) is meant to flow and move through our system. When it does, we feel light, capable, and ready to live a life of purpose and ease.

However, life experiences like stress, negative beliefs, trauma, and physical injuries result in energetic blocks that inhibit the flow of this vital life force through our system.

Stagnant energy, like stagnant water, is not desirable. Stuck energy can manifest as pain, physical & mental illness, exhaustion, anxiety, and a sense of being “stuck.”

In a Red Hat Qi Gong session, we clear energetic blocks and restore balance to your energetic flow.

Once we release and clear energy that has been keeping you stuck, you naturally find flow in your body, life, and spirit.

Things that felt hard, become easier.

Aches, pains, and physical issues improve.

Worry, stress, and judgment decrease.

You find balance.

This is powerful and potent work that shifts longstanding patterns…once and for all.

So that you can live the life you are meant to live.

Hi. I’m Catherine Middlebrooks, a certified Red Hot Qi Gong Practitioner.

I feel extremely fortunate to receive ongoing, intensive, training from Beverly Anderson, an 18th-generation Red Hat Qi Gong Grand Master. She received her training in Hong Kong from Grand Master, Dr. Wong.

    What has always been apparent to me is that you cannot heal the physical body without also addressing the mind/body connection and energy system.

    As I’ve worked with my own energy system, all aspects of my life have changed, for the better. I’ve found a greater purpose, more joy and ease, and improved physical  and emotional well-being.

    It’s a privilege to offer Red Hat Qi Gong work to individuals who want to step into their full potential.

    Relevant Trainings: 

    Red Hat Qi Gong Training with Grand Master Beverly Anderson (Ongoing Since 2019, Certified in April 2022)


    As someone who’s always been interested in the mind-body-spirit connection, my first Red Hat Qi Gong session with Catherine was profound. She created a calm, safe space for this powerful energy work to unfold. My role was simply to be open and breathe as she expertly guided me, clearing energetic pathways.

    Our in-person meeting was just the beginning. I have felt the session’s work continue for days after. A deep sense of peace and joy prevailed, and for several nights I slept as deeply and as restfully as I had in ages. In the following weeks, I’ve processed emotions more easily while recognizing and releasing repetitive unhelpful thoughts. A lightness has filled my body.

    I’ve come away with much gratitude for this Qi Gong practice and for Catherine’s graceful guidance through what felt like a sacred spiritual cleansing. This has gone beyond mere bodywork.. it’s energized and renewed me holistically.


    -Rachael R.

    Catherine creates a safe, calm, and inviting space. Throughout the healing session, I could feel things shifting, emotions bubbling, and things happening. She has an incredible ability to understand what I am experiencing and help me to fully connect with my fears, trauma, history, intuition, and higher self.  I have worked with Catherine several times. I still evoke the visualizations, experiences, and messages when I am in need of a reminder. She was able to fine-tune my energy with lasting benefits. I highly recommend a session (or a few) with Catherine.

    -Erin W.

    Qi Gong sessions have changed my life, for the better, in so many ways.

    Before doing these sessions, I struggled to get out of cycles and thought patterns that held me back from doing things that matter to me.

    The Qi Gong sessions I have done with Catherine have shifted all of that. I think and act differently. I don’t hold myself back anymore. I’m taking better care of my health and relationships. I am showing up as a better version of myself, because I have let go of the energy and patterns that weren’t serving me.

    If you are considering Qi Gong with Catherine, do it! The sessions are relaxing and restorative, and create a lasting transformation.

    -Cate B.

    Working Together

    Sessions are held in person in my office in Pittsburgh, PA (in Mount Lebanon in the South Hills).

    Session Fee: $90

    Appointments last 75 minutes.

    Tips are not accepted.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancel up to 24 hours before your session without penalty.

    If you cancel within 24 hours of the session, you will be responsible for the full session price.

    Contact Me

    Have a question or want to chat before booking?

    Contact me at, or 412-589-9366.

    Address: 615 Washington Road, Suite TL3, Mount Lebanon, PA (Inside the Executive Building)

    All sessions are by appointment only.

    615 Washington Road, Suite TL-3, Mount Lebanon, PA 15228